What is Fear of Speaking?
When we looked at searches on the internet we found the most common was the search for “public speaking anxiety.” There are actually many names, stage fright, fear of public speaking… the list goes on and on.
Public Speaking Anxiety! What’s That?
Public speaking anxiety is what makes you sweat, feel short of breath, nervous, uncomfortable and many other unpleasant physical sensations. Public speaking anxiety is another name given for fear of speaking in public or stage fright. It also is one of the most common fears among humans. Over 75% of all people have a fear of speaking in public which means if you have that fear you are amongst the majority.
When 75% of All People Have The Same Condition Is It Normal?
Obviously if a majority of humans have a trait or characteristic it would have to be considered to be normal. Because it’s so normal most people just put up with it. In fact because it is so common and “normal” many people mistakenly think that there is no way of eliminating it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just because something is normal doesn’t mean you are doomed to put up with it the rest of your life. In fact when you do eliminate your fear of speaking in public you immediately move into the top 25% of all people.
It Isn’t Always A Big Audience That Scares You
Many people who have a fear or discomfort with speaking in public experience it even in small group situations. Maybe a conference room at work where you might be called on to make a presentation. Perhaps a Bible study and you’re afraid you might be asked a question and have to speak publicly to answer it. The places and situations where public speaking anxiety can show up are limitless.
Enjoying Public Speaking Makes You Special
When you eliminate your fear of speaking you become like a top athlete. Certainly there are people who do better at some things in life than others. Often people don’t realize that the reason they are not moving ahead at their job or profession is that this fear is holding them back. The 25% who have no fear of speaking in public stand out in more ways than one. Their comfort and skill doing presentations shows others they are a special person after it’s “normal” to be unable to do this.
Public Speaking Anxiety Can Be Eliminated – Easily!
There are many things you can do in your life to improve yourself. Many take weeks, months and even years to attain. Learning a language, earning an educational degree, learning a trade all take time. The good news is going from fear to confidence when it comes to public speaking is easy. There are many articles on the internet that offer a solution which is actually cruel. They tell you ways to “cope with your fear.” Why would you want to cope with something when you could eliminate it. You don’t cope with a broken arm, you go to a doctor and get it set in a cast and you let it heal. When you’ve healed you’re as good as new.
Eliminating public speaking anxiety can be done in as little as 90 minutes using a special process that takes you from fear to confidence. Make yourself special today and click here to change your life forever.